Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not feeling very creative here--it must be February

February is my least-favorite month of the year. It seems so dark and gloomy and long with nothing to do but work. Even though it's the shortest month, it feels like one long slog. Usually when I feel draggy I use it as an excuse to give up and take the easy road. In some things that's okay. I don't feel at all guilty that my History class watched Ken Burns today and my theology class played Bible Pictionary because I didn't use my evening last night for elaborate lesson plans.

But health is not something that sails along smoothly with little to no effort. If I don't do the work, I won't reap the rewards. Even if I don't feel like exercising, I still need to do it. And I am. Monday and Tuesday were both very busy days, but I made time for exercise. On Monday it was the treadmill late in the evening, on Tuesday it was an hour-long walk outside after school and before the basketball game, and today it was 3 quick miles in 36 minutes on the treadmill before school. The point is--when I make the time, I have the time, and if I'm tired and gloomy beforehand, I WILL feel better afterwards.

My eating has also been okay. I was lax on the weekend and am trying to make up for it now. Weigh-in is Friday, and I can't expect to get down to 160 this month if I don't lose a pound each week. To lose a pound each week, I have to eat less than I want to, which means saying, "No" sometimes and careful with my "Yes-es." I can do this!

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