Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm b-a-a-ack

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I updated here. Life got crazy with weekend basketball tournaments and all kinds of things going on. But I haven't fallen off the wagon. In fact, in spite of some ups and downs, I'm doing great. It helps that a friend convinced me to give up white sugar, white flour, white pasta, white rice, and potatoes for Lent. That'll force a person into healthy eating habits pretty quick! I've also been reading a lot about low carb eating because I discovered that I don't feel so great when I'm eating a lot of carbs, even if the carbs are healthy ones. I just wish all the nutrition "experts" would agree so I wouldn't have to worry about whom to trust.

The one area where I'm not on track is with exercise. It's been really, really hard to make time for it, but I have begun doing some core work. It's easier to fit that in than a major cardio workout.

Last time I reported here, I weighed in at about 161, I think. This morning I saw a number on the scale that I haven't seen for more years than I can remember. During the past four or five years of learning healthier habits and losing that initial 20 pounds or so, the lowest I have ever been is 156. Today I weighed 155.2. I didn't think I could do it. I thought I was stuck and destined to bounce around the upper 150's forever. I have no doubts that I will still be back bouncing around the upper 150's in the coming days--the 155 is likely just the lower edge of a current dip that will rise again in the normal cycle of daily fluctuations--but now I know my dips can get lower than they ever have before, and I'm confident that someday the 155 will be the UPPER edge of my dips. Yippee!!!